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human capital management

 Des-Case Repeats as a Tennessean Top Workplace

Des-Case Repeats as a Tennessean Top Workplace

Honor affirms not only an inviting work environment, but bottom-line success for the manufacturer, as well.

 eAsset Management and Rainbow Haven Collaboration

eAsset Management and Rainbow Haven Collaboration

The eAsset Management team is excited to announce its sponsorship of Rainbow Haven, as part of our company policy to contribute 10% of profits to good causes every year.

 Oxford Economics: Structural Changes Needed to Spur US Productivity

Oxford Economics: Structural Changes Needed to Spur US Productivity

Despite Technological Advances and an Increasingly Skilled Labor Force, US Productivity has Slowed

Do You Fit the Bill? 8 Crucial Skills Maintenance Managers Must Have

As a maintenance reliability professional, you have technical training of some kind, basic knowledge of asset management principles, technical knowledge of the equipment you manage and practical experience from years working in the field. These are the hard skills needed to perform your job. However, technical education, training and knowledge will not give you the skills you need to effectively manage a team of maintenance professionals. Along with hard skills, you need a very particular set of soft skills to excel in your role. These skills will lead to greater productivity and efficiency across the maintenance team. More importantly, they will lead to less stress, greater job satisfaction and ongoing career achievement for you. These soft skills are:

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox

Human Capital and the Internet of Things: Managing Talent and Leveraging Experience

by Burt Hurlock

If you have children aspiring to attend college, then you know that somewhere between the time of their birth and the present, the world changed. It went from valuing being well-rounded to valuing specialization. Whether that's a healthy development is a worthy debate, but not the purpose of this article. This article explores the role of the connected world in propagating specialization and how specialization has the potential to supercharge the value of old-fashioned human judgment.

Get Ready, Here Comes the Ultimate Multi-Skilled Worker

Get Ready, Here Comes the Ultimate Multi-Skilled Worker

It seems like everyone is talking about the skilled labor shortage. From the New York Times to the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), people are debating the issue of whether there really is a skills shortage or a lack of people with the right technical skills to work in today’s manufacturing. Many, including the New York Times, blame the problem on what they refer to as mismatched skills. Or, in other words, the workers have skills, just not the ones they need for the growing complexity of manufacturing.

Competition With a Purpose

"Competition with a purpose," Honda North America's Hugo Beltran smiles as he summarizes Honda's first Skills Olympics held at the Marysville, Ohio, site on March 6, 2014. "As a company, we recognized the need to focus some effort on our equipment service technicians (aka skilled tradespeople), how they are an integral part of our organization. On a daily basis, we depend on our equipment service technicians to communicate with our operations people, troubleshoot equipment, identify faults, and make repairs or modifications to keep our equipment up and running. We also wanted to create an event that incorporated the teamwork from the executive level to the equipment technicians, while incorporating Honda's core philosophy of a challenging spirit," the associate chief engineer explained. "At the end of the day, while only one team went home with the gold medals, everyone who was involved came out a winner."

Safety and Reliability Concepts

A Review of the Pyramid and Swiss Cheese Models

by Ron Moore

The safety pyramid was first proposed by H.W. Heinrich, whose 1931 book, “Industrial Accident Prevention: A Scientific Approach,” stated that 88 percent of accidents are caused by “unsafe acts of persons” and put forth what is often referred to as Heinrich’s accident pyramid.

Where Have All the Bearing Scrapers Gone?

by: William Hillman

A 2013 paper titled, The Surprisingly Swift Decline of U.S. Manufacturing Employment, by Justin R. Pierce, an economist at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and Peter K.Schott, Yale School of Management and the National Bureau of Economic Research, suggests that the sharp decline in U.S. manufacturing jobs is a result of imports from China1. Regardless of the cause, the fact is that U.S. manufacturing has declined over the past several years. Along with the decline in jobs, there has been a decline in the technical skills needed for performing manufacturing jobs. The loss of technical skills is largely due to the fact that as manufacturing jobs declined, job training refocused to other areas, such as service sector jobs.This all happened at a time when baby boomers, who were the backbone of American manufacturing, began leaving the workplace in droves due to retirement. The age of the baby boomers is rapidly coming to an end, but due to the decline in manufacturing, there's been no concerted effort to replace them.

A Reliable Plant – Good for Personal and Process Safety

Do you believe in safety? There is always a unanimous and resounding "Yes!" when this question is asked, particularly from executives. If you, particularly you executives, believe in safety, then you must believe in reliability and, more importantly, have the appropriate policies, systems, practices and measures to support reliability. You must walk the talk about safety.

Is Your Company Fit for Deployment?

One of the top priorities of any military organization is keeping soldiers fit for deployment upon demand. This usually involves exercises to maintain and increase job skill, physical abilities, overall health and mental capabilities.

4 Ways To Break Free From Being ‘Too Busy’

America began to acknowledge its cultural obsession with "busyness" a few years ago, when Tim Kreider wrote the now legendary piece "The Busy Trap" for the New York Times. Nearly three years later, while our culture certainly hasn't changed, an admitted addiction to busyness has at least transitioned from groundbreaking journalism to mainstream conversations.

Blame Complacent Engineers for Bad Management Decisions

Author's Note: While I'm solely responsible for this article, I am also entirely indebted to a process hazard analysis and loss control engineer (PHA/LCE) at a major refinery. In his contributed material, he is not disclosing anything of a proprietary nature. Still, it's a sign of the times that he has to remain anonymous. Perhaps it's because his expressions contain a measure of mild irony as he invades the comfort zone of equipment reliability engineers (REs). He quite obviously takes issue with their custom of limiting their work to mere analysis and recommendations. The REs, he notes, then consider their job done and let managers make decisions, some right and some wrong.

PEARL Certifies First Electrical Reconditioning Technician

The Professional Electrical Apparatus Recyclers League’s (PEARL) Technician Certification program helped to make the industrial and commercial electrical markets safer and more reliable in October when it certified Adam Tappe, a 22-year veteran at National Switchgear (Lewisville, Texas), as its first Level 1 electrical reconditioning certified technician.

Get Out From Behind The Desk

The Maintenance Planner is charged with the creation and maintenance of the job plan to help drive the efficiency of the craftspeople. Since the ideal Maintenance Planner is one of your best

What ...

What Chile Can Teach the World About Innovation

by Vivek Wadhwa
Fellow, Arthur & Toni Rembe Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University

Growth Brings Change: HIMA Adds New Senior Management

Over the past 10 years, safety automation expert HIMA has doubled its sales, tripled its workforce and increased its number of Group companies worldwide from two to 16. To ensure continued growth and success, the company has created the new positions of chief executive officer (CEO) and chief financial officer (CFO).

Comdel, Inc. Announces Leadership Changes

Comdel Inc. announces the appointment of Scott Johnson, 30 year veteran and former SeniorVice President, to the position of President.

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