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leadership for reliability

Facilitate Employee Implementation of the Change Process

We’ve heard many times that people don’t want to change. That may or may not be true. Indeed, Beta has found that people do want to change, if (1) they’re given compelling reasons for change,

Description of the Training Process

A flawless effort is possible but only with adequate training. It is important that everyone, especially those immediately involved, know exactly what they are to do and how to do it.


Time (min.) Discussion
Agenda Review 5
  • What the training will address so that the work sampling project can be a success
Work Sampling - What it is and what it is not 5
  • Recognition of the possible past problems with this type of effort
  • To clear up misconceptions
  • To begin developing an understanding of what the work effort is all about
  • Explain and reinforce that it is not designed to find people problems. It is process problem focused.
Why Are We Doing It? 5
  • Overall productivity baseline data and future periodic reviews
  • An understanding of productivity problems to be addressed—process, not people
Discussion of a Valid Sample 5
  • Stress honesty. This is a very critical success factor for this effort
  • Also, timeliness of data submission
Sampling Procedure 10
  • Discussion of how the sampling procedure works. It is important that those to be sampled understand what to do and when to do it.
  • Identify who will be making the foremen contacts and where to submit the forms—the coordinator
  • Problems and what to do about them (see section 3.3)
Direct Category 5
  • Review all definitions for understanding so that observations are accurate
Indirect Category 5
  • Same as direct
Non-Productive Category 5
  • Same as direct
Questions 15
Close by site lead if possible
  • Make sure they know who to call for help
 10th Anniversary of the Fuller Challenge Announced

10th Anniversary of the Fuller Challenge Announced

The 2017 Fuller Challenge cycle dates have been announced. Applications will be accepted starting January 13th, 2017. A $100,000 prize will be awarded to support the development and implementation of one winning strategy. 2017 marks the 10th anniversary and first phase of this prestigious, internationally recognized prize program.

Optimization of the Operations and Maintenance Phase

Optimal yield during this phase of the asset’s lifecycle is only achieved in organizations that span a holistic focus, from lower to higher complexity. This brings about close and intimate


A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox

Redefining Reliability Through Lean Practices

The concept of reliability changes from business to business. No one definition is correct because reliability needs change from one business to the next. However, personnel in charge of a reliability program should have a clear answer to what reliability means to them. This article helps define what reliability means to an organization, shows where flaws can develop in the program, explains how reliability responds to evolving business needs and demonstrates how lean principles can relate to these processes.

There are Outcomes and Impacts for Everything

The three outcomes we identified were 1) the need for increased training of the workforce to be able to run Epsilon, 2) the need to keep the equipment running reliably, and 3) the requirement


Managing Risk for Operational Excellence

Maintenance organizations are responsible for maintaining a wide array of assets that support manufacturing and operations. These assets are expected to perform as designed and so the ...

Bad Salesmanship Hinders Reliability

Do not dismiss the above statement thinking it does not apply to your situation because you are not a roving consultant or contractor. In-house maintenance reliability professionals need to exhibit the same, or even better, customer service when it comes to driving change or pulling their organization toward a path of continuous improvement.

Q&A with an Industry Leader - Breon Klopp

Q&A with an Industry Leader - Breon Klopp

Uptime Magazine had the opportunity to sit down with the 31st International Maintenance Conference (IMC-2016) Keynoter, Breon Klopp. Breon is the Founder and Managing Partner at Sestrana, a company that develops and facilitates high-impact experiential learning and training events to engage and motivate organizations on methods for improvement. From a perspective that is entertaining and realistic, Breon inspires participants through a racecar pit stop challenge that focuses on performance, processes, and teamwork.

 Employee Involvement and Enthusiasm

Employee Involvement and Enthusiasm

At the heart of any organization are knowledgeable and capable employees wanting to make a difference. It reminds me of a sign I saw in a production facility that read: “Ya Gotta Wanna.” ...

Communicate the Strategy and Goals

Beta, like all companies, has areas where they are not satisfied with their current performance. That can create a compelling reason for change within a business unit. Once you’ve identified

Measure the Results: Reward Good Behavior, Challenge Bad Behavior

As Joseph Juran said, “If you don’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” On the other hand, don’t measure it if you don’t intend to use the information. The measure loses credibility. Once the

The Human Factors’ Influence on Maintenance Reliability Management

The Human Factors’ Influence on Maintenance Reliability Management

Human factors play a vital role in influencing maintenance reliability management in an organization. This article presents some specifics on the influence of culture and leadership in the process and chemical industries.

What Does Integrity Have to Do About It?

What Does Integrity Have to Do About It?

Do you work with people who do what they say? How hard is it to do business with them? Conversely, do you work with people who do not do what they say? How hard is it to work with them?

Safety Process (Contextual Risk Assessment Tool)

Operational excellence requires a high level of maturity in your safety process. It’s not a coincidence that the best companies in throughput, quality and cost also do well in safety. The


 TPC Trainco Launches New “Virtual Classroom” Training on Industrial Maintenance Management

TPC Trainco Launches New “Virtual Classroom” Training on Industrial Maintenance Management

TPC’s instructor-led training division, TPC Trainco, introduces Live Online training, a new way to experience live maintenance training.

Reliability - A Holistic Effort

Reliability - A Holistic Effort

The foundation of any great reliability effort is the reliability culture within the organization that sustains it. Everybody within the organization must be aligned with its ultimate goals and mission for the reliability effort to succeed. Therefore, the mission and values must be clearly communicated, with reasonable expectations for compliance.

Competency-Based Learning

Watch this video tip provided by Bill WIlder - Director, Life Cycle Institute, Life Cycle Engineering

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