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leadership for reliability

How to Get People to Do What You Want Them to Do

by Garrison Wynn

If this article title pulled you in, maybe you’ve recently realized that having a better tactic or using your (seemingly imaginary) charisma is not producing the influence you would have hoped. You’ve read the leadership and negotiation books and you’ve witnessed some disturbing YouTube videos that appear to prove you no longer need talent or a point to be in front of a camera. However, your all-consuming problems still remain: Your employees just can’t get the job done, your boss is a low-IQ narcissist and your 22-year-old kid has just told you, “I don’t, like, see myself as, like, working every day at a job and stuff.”

Is Your Maintenance Lean or Lean?

by James Reyes-Picknell

Manufacturers, miners, processing plants and even offices are going “lean” these days. In the accounting world, lean has an attractive sound: lean = cheap. Low cost to an accountant means less spending on anything you must pay for. Labor, materials and anything associated with them are costs and, therefore, subject to cost cutting, budget cutting and targeting within lean initiatives. But cutting these costs often leads to poor performance. If this has happened to your company, then you have moved beyond lean, you’ve become sick.

How to Grow an All-Star Engineer National Engineers Week

SME Education Foundation nominee, Melissa Meyer, engineering student at University of Wisconsin, has been selected a College Edition nominee for the New Face of Engineering Program.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox

How To Deal With Initiative Overload

Create a leadership process for the culture change based on boundary setting that creates freedom for the workers and proprietors to make decisions aligned within standards established through

Using KPI’s and Benchmarking to Define Improvements

KPI’s are oftentimes measured to determine the current performance of a maintenance organization.  But is 85% technical availability (uptime) a good score for a food company?  Is 5% maintenance

... that aggregates the information in a comprehensive and organized set of KPI’s is very useful in the analysis.

Roadblock Removal

Often times reliability engineers are hired and told "make the plant more reliable". If it were only that simple. Reliability isn't a project, it's a process that lives and takes new shape and ...

Definition: Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

A measure of equipment or process performance based on actual availability, performance efficiency, and quality of product or output. OEE is generally expressed as a percentage.

OEE = availability

Bentley Completes its Reach   ̶ Year in Infrastructure Conference Showcases Innovations

By Maura Abad

I attended the APM Summit at Bentley’s Year in Infrastructure conference. I also attended the Be Inspired Awards in the category of Innovation in Asset Performance Management. It has been one year ago that Bentley acquired Ivara Corporation, and Bentley APM (Ivara) users had plenty to boast about!  It was a packed room to view the projects of the three finalists in the Innovation in Asset Performance Management category. The winner would take away the Be Inspired award. All three finalists presented their exemplary projects citing impressive gains as a result of taking a proactive approach to maintenance and supporting their projects with Bentley AssetWise Ivara software, Aladon RCM2 practices and Bentley implementation methodology to align the business and organization as well as manage change.

eMaint Named One of the Fastest Growing Technology Companies in North America

Leader in Cloud-Based Maintenance Management CMMS Systems Has Seen a 181 Percent Revenue Growth Over a Three-Year Span

RSES Presents Awards At 2013 Annual Conference

RSES awarded the following individuals and organizations among others for their outstanding achievements in and contributions toward the education of HVACR professionals on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2013 during the 76th RSES Annual Conference in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Using SAP to Support ISO55000 Asset Management

Using SAP to Support ISO55000 Asset Management

For the SAP Community, the thought of more regulations or standards to comply with is intimidating. Now there is the proposed ISO55000 standard in the Final Draft International Standard status with a publication date in the February 2014 timeframe. How is this standard going to affect the SAP community?  This presentation will present an overview of the proposed ISO5500 standard. Also the presentation will provide insight into how SAP will support an ISO55000 compliance initiative. The presentation will conclude with a summary of the benefits that a company may realize by adopting the ISO55000 standard.

What Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to Use When?

I have often compared the use of KPI's with the fairytale "The Emperor's New Clothes" by Hans Christian Andersen. In short, the fairy tale is about two weavers who promise an emperor a new suit


Where Do Reliability Engineers Come From?

by Dr. Klaus M Blache

Where do reliability engineers come from? To address this, we need to start with a few definitions, then reliability engineering can be best explained by listing some examples of what reliability engineering can do towards improving your operations.

Jobs – A Consequence of Being Competitive

Ron Moore

Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up, knowing that it must run faster than the fastest lion, or be eaten. The same morning a lion wakes up, knowing it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or starve to death. Whether you’re a lion or gazelle, you must be prepared to run as fast as possible.

---African Proverb

Definition: SWOT Analysis

Strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis used to determine where to apply special efforts to achieve desired outcomes. Entails listing:

  • Strengths and how to take advantage
  • ...

The Operational Excellence Difference

by Kevin Duggan

By now, most companies have embarked on a journey of continuous improvement. Team members employ techniques, such as value stream mapping, kaizen events and action workout events, to target an area of the operation that needs improvement. Each day, this process continues: Find areas that need improvement, improve them and then embed the improvements into standard work.

MillerCoors’ Eden Brewery Receives 2013 AME Manufacturing Excellence Award

The Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME) is pleased to honor MillerCoors’ Eden Brewery with a 2013 Manufacturing Excellence Award.  The Eden, N.C., facility will be recognized at a ceremony during the 2013 AME “Excellence Inside” Conference, Oct. 21-25, in Toronto.

Definition: Deming’s Fourteen Points

W. Edwards Deming's fourteen management points to increase quality and productivity when practiced.

They are:

1. Created constancy of purpose for improving product or services.

2. Adopt new philosophy.

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