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leadership for reliability

Managing Performance in the Virtual Workplace

The virtual work environment provides unique performance management challenges. Addressing these proactively will have a positive impact on productivity, morale, and results. At the same time,


Coaching the Falling Stars

Here's something to consider: Even in the very best organizations, almost every manager will have to deal with at least one problem employee - uncooperative, emotionally unstable, chronically

Capturing Knowledge

Standards create a professional environment of "best practice" procedures. They enable organizations to confidently create systems, policies and procedures, maintain autonomy from vested interest

Set the Example. And the Tone

LEADING BY EXAMPLE. It's both a management responsibility and a moral obligation. And, it's the most powerful tool in your leadership toolbox.

You have a strong influence on the thoughts and

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
Reliability Case Study: Alcoa Warrick Smelter

Reliability Case Study: Alcoa Warrick Smelter

Sustained Reliable Operations Summit Keynote

Reliability Case Study: Alcoa Warrick Smelter by Paul Campbell, Former President, Southeast Region for Alcoa Primary Metals

The presentation will show the long term benefits of reliability in an actual case study for the Alcoa Mt. Holly aluminum smelter. Mt. Holly is only one of two smelters operating in the US that currently is at 100% showing that after many years of reliability, dividends are still being obtained giving Mt. Holly a competitive advantage even in today's economic climate. The presentation will show the reasoning, logic, and techniques used to implement reliability at the Warrick smelter.

The Virus of Employee Disengagement

No one takes a job intending to fail. No employer hires with the intent to fire. Both parties want only the best. So what happens? The virus of employee disengagement attacks and spreads.



Is Lean Maintenance a Religious Issue?

On a flight to the west coast from Philadelphia, I had the great opportunity to sit next to a Minister of a large church. We got to talking and I realized that he knew quite a bit about maintenance.

As a head of a church with a building and a school he had faced many maintenance problems over the years. He surprised me when he said that fundamental issues of maintenance and religion were related.

He said that when children are born, people pass away, or couples get married, there is no problem with getting people into church to pray. The problem he said is the decades between these events. It is hard to get people to come into the church when nothing of importance is going on. The time that is most important is the time spent building up the spiritual muscle to withstand whatever life has in store for you.

The Minster went on to say that when they had a leaking roof and minor floods after a string of spring storms, he had no problem getting money and congregational attention to fix the very visible roof failure, but he had no luck getting less money in the previous 2 years to fix the roof so it would not have leaked in the first place.

Many of our companies are just like that. They wait until after a crisis to consider maintenance seriously. One of the battles of the maintenance war is human nature. We out off paying for maintenance because we either don't believe there will be a problem or we don't want to think about the inevitable decline of the assets we are using. We might even consider this approach Lean.

It isn't in the long run.

Tip provided by Joel Levitt, Author Organizations interested in Lean Maintenance can listen to "The Introduction to Lean Maintenance" by Joel Levitt, available for free at:

Monday Morning Leadership

"When it comes to leading people, there is no problem that is unique to you." You could ask anyone with experience, and you would discover they have had to face the same issues, the same

Conundrums Facing Asset Managers Today

Conundrums Facing Asset Managers Today

Conundrums Facing Asset Managers Today by Mick Drew, Managing Director, ARMS Reliability Engineers

Earning Employee Trust

It's no secret that being trusted by team members is critical to any leader's success. And that fact leads to an all important question: How can you earn your people's trust ... what can you


How Does Plant Management - and Possibly Corporate Management Enable Unreliability?

When I was a production superintendent at a DuPont nylon plant, I was returning to my office with my mind full of thoughts from a staff meeting. I walked into the central control room still distracted by the issues from the meeting. All of a sudden, I found myself face-to-face with the central control operator and in making small talk I casually asked him, "What rate are you running?" He mumbled something and went back to his work. I thought that I was distracting him from his job, so continued on to my office. The next day, my two assistants came to me and said that I had put enormous pressure on the control room operator the day before.

Manufacturing Ranked Number 1 Industry for Economic Prosperity

Survey Reveals Wide Perception Gap between Positive Views of Manufacturing’s Contributions, Negative Views of Career Opportunities

National study finds critical threats to US Manufacturers

National study finds critical threats to U.S. manufacturing. Global markets, sustainability pose challenges to a majority of firms. Small manufacturers especially at risk. More than 2,500 firms participate in Next Generation Manufacturing Study.

GPAllied Announces Strategic Hire: Michael Aroney

Charleston, SC.—Global reliability and operations solutions provider, GPAllied, announced today that it welcomes Michael Aroney to their organization.

What to Do With a Vacant GM Plant

Hope grows when city, county and state come together for business

Maintenance and Share Price—Mutually Dependent

(Editors note:  This article was originally published in the SMRP Quarterly, 1994 and stands the test of time - Terry O)

At first glance, it would probably seem illogical to most people to put maintenance and share price in the same phrase. However, it would also be wrong, as it has been for decades, to presume that they are not mutually dependent. In many organizations, maintenance is driving share price, but the CEO isn't even aware of it.

Life Cycle Institute Launches New Project Management Course

CHARLESTON, SC,—The Life Cycle Institute is now accepting registrations for its newest course: Project Management. This course is designed for anyone leading a team or on a team who would find value in project management fundamentals including project managers, project leaders, team leaders and team members.

Crisis Compels Change

Crisis Compels Change

Crises, such as the ongoing economic crisis in the US and world, will compel change. As we all know change can be good, or bad. We can take a positive approach to these times and use the situation to bring about radical, yet positive change, that while painful at times, will assure our future prosperity. There is great risk in this approach – we can overreach and make bad decisions that damage the prospects for that same prosperity. The challenges that most manufacturing businesses face are huge, and they will be compelled to change, particularly those who have long languished under poor management.

The ABC’s of Failure – Getting Rid of the Noise in Your System

Don't Just Fix It - Improve It!

For the past 40 years, I have observed many companies; including DuPont (where I spent 27 years) pursuing planned maintenance with the standard tools of planned maintenance: inspections, planning, scheduling, materials procurement, CMMS systems, etc. with the same results.

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