Leadership is vital to the success of all companies. It is a journey which requires reference points to ensure we remain on course and continue to grow. Almost all companies need more deliberate and focused leadership development.
In 2013, Central San began developing a comprehensive Asset Management Program to better handle the treatment plant's aging infrastructure. This was a much-needed undertaking with much of the plant built before 1980, plant operations faced challenges of equipment obsolescence, low efficiency and poor reliability on a day-to-day basis.
Maintenance Excellence Management (MEM) is Yanbu NGLF initiative, which was developed to enhance maintenance processes and monitor their performance through clear, defined procedures which developed by related SMEs. Maintenance Excellence Management MEM was constructed to be in line with ARAMCO Corporate Maintenance Services track to consistently and systematically achieve and sustain industry leading performance.
IMC-2017 RAP Talk - 20:41 by Brian Gleason, Des-Case
In this RAP Talk from IMC-2017, Brian Gleason of Des-Case outlines helpful leadership tactics. Wherever you are on your leadership or reliability journey, you didn’t get there overnight, and you won’t get into the next step overnight either. Join Gleason as he talks about leadership, work-life leadership, and how it ties together for him on his own personal journey.
MaximoWorld 2017 Keynote - 40:15 by Terrence O'Hanlon, CEO/Publisher, Reliabilityweb.com and Uptime Magazine
As the large ocean liner cuts through the ocean, it would be almost impossible to turn the ship by pushing on the bow or the front of the ship. Even turning the rudder requires enormous effort. Learn to discover the Trim Tabs available in most organizations to create a more natural directional effort. One of my heroes, and innovative thought leader, Buckminster Fuller said, "The truth is that you get the low pressure to do things, rather than getting on the other side and trying to push the bow of the ship around against the high pressure. You build that low pressure by getting rid of a little nonsense, getting rid of things that don’t work and aren’t true until you start to get that trim-tab motion." Join Terrence O'Hanlon for a vibrant and energetic keynote address designed to discover the Trim Tabs in your organization.