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ultrasound testing

Versatile Ultrasonic Diagnostic Tool “Hears” Problems Before They Lead to Breakdowns

Spectronics Corporation has introduced the MDE-2000NC Marksman™II,  an ultrasonic diagnostic tool that converts and amplifies inaudible ultrasonic sound into audible “natural” sound. This highly advanced tool allows the technician to “hear” even the smallest compressed air,  natural gas, propane tank, vacuum, steam, and other pressurized leaks…before they lead to major breakdowns.

Listen to Ultrasound to Know When to Grease

Monitoring motor bearing lubrication in a food plant with ultrasound tells us when to re-grease, and helps us avoid over greasing. It also reveals when grease has been washed down the drain.



Gearbox Inspection with Ultrasound

Gearboxes can be inspected with ultrasound, but some recommendation should be followed for the best results. In order to minimize the signal lost for attenuation, do a mapping of the gearbox. Put


Capturing Ultrasound Time Waveforms Pictures VS Numbers

by Jim Hall and Randy Stiver

The ability to look at the audio signal adds a wealth of information about the original ultrasonic signal and can be summarized as “pictures” versus “numbers.” The waveform reveals the instantaneous value of the signal. The wave shape reveals signal strength, transient impacts, frequency of cyclic phenomena, beats and harmonic content.

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Monitoring Plain Bearings with Ultrasound

When plain bearings fail it is a sudden and often catastrophic event. Unlike roller bearings which present higher friction forces, plain bearings work under a thin microfilm of lubricant. Where


Ultrasound Level I and II Schedule Announced by Ultra Sound Technologies

Ultra Sound Technologies announced its full slate of Ultrasonic Down Conversion®, UDC-1 & UDC-2 classes, which run until January 2014.  During these courses, expert Jim Hall provides the highest level of instruction to maintenance technicians.

Adding Ultrasound Field Notes

Collecting ultrasound data should not be a robotic task. Walking through the plant with a heightened sense of hearing, there are a lot of observations made. Creating field notes can provide an


Data Trending and Bearing Lubrication

General Mills started ultrasound measurements on a series of five cookers. The electric motor bearings are used to drive either side of a nip roll. They noticed that one set of bearings had

The ...

ULTRASOUND The Final Frontier…by Mr. Ultrasound

ULTRASOUND The Final Frontier…by Mr. Ultrasound

by Jim Hall

Recently, I received an online alert for a used ultrasound instrument to purchase. When I got to the website, I found a fictional spacecraft featured in “Space: 1999,” a 1970s era British television series.

Vibration vs. Ultrasound - Two Techniques to Consider in CBM

by Jason Tranter, Allan Rienstra and Tom Murphy

If someone tells you there is only one RIGHT way to do something - you should be highly dubious! As a result of the positive reader response from "RCM vs. FMEA - There Is a Distinct Difference!" (Dec/Jan 2013), Uptime magazine has invited several subject matter experts to write short, related segments that allow our readers to consider alternatives or options when approaching maintenance reliability improvements. In this issue, we examine two popular condition-based maintenance practices and applications — Vibration and Ultrasound.

Versatile Ultrasonic Diagnostic Tool “Hears” Problems Before They Lead to Breakdowns

Westbury, New York — Spectronics Corporation has introduced the MDE-2000 Marksman™ II, an ultrasonic diagnostic tool that converts and amplifies inaudible ultrasonic sound into audible “natural” sound. This highly advanced tool allows the technician to “hear” even the smallest compressed air, natural gas, propane tank, vacuum, steam, and other pressurized leaks…before they lead to major breakdowns.

Unusual Ultrasound Applications

Unusual Ultrasound Applications

An hour long presentation by Paul Klimuc, SDT

Do you think outside the box? Paul Klimuc examines case histories of ultrasonic applications that are outside the everyday usage of ultrasound.

Trend and Monitor Rotating Equipment with Ultrasound

Trend and Monitor Rotating Equipment with Ultrasound

A forty-five minute long presentation by Paul Klimuc, SDT

In this webinar you will learn the basics used to trend and monitor rotating equipment for predictive maintenance using ultrasound equipment. We will cover how to setup a database for trending data, where to set alarm levels and how to monitor lubrication in conjunction with incipient bearing failure.

When Decibels Aren’t Enough - Waterpark Follow-Up Part 2

Click Here to Read Part 1

Jim Hall

This article is written as a follow-up to the April/ May 2012 Uptime magazine article titled, "When Decibel's Aren't Enough." In the previous issue of Uptime, we told the story of testing eight, 50 hp filtration pump and motors at a local waterpark.

NDT and Reliability - Way of Life at Luminant

Keith B. Lawson

The success of Luminant's non-destructive testing (NDT) program over the past 35 years is the result of our extremely talented employees and their trailblazing initiative to make it a successful program. Through new technologies in NDT, we've been able to prevent major equipment failures and future damages, while producing documented cost savings for the company.

US Navy Awards CTRL Contract to Expand Ultrasound to Fleet

WESTMINSTER, MD. - CTRL has been awarded a contract to test expanded usage of the UL101 on-board ship. The testing will be a collaborative effort between CTRL, Newport News, and NAVSEA and focuses on early detection utilizing ultrasound. The scope of work includes assessment and comparison of current methods to ultrasound, development of detailed procedures, and integration. The CTRL project was chosen from a pool of proposals by a panel for its benefits to current U.S. Naval Operations testing Ultrasound will be tested to improve safety and current diagnostic capabilities by the technician during deployment with minimal training. Ultrasound identifies problems in very early stages, requires less time, is non-intrusive, and provides the technician on-board ship with immediate information to be more proactive.

New Product Launch - SDT200 Ultrasonic Detector Energy Conservation for the Masses

Introducing the SDT200, an ultrasound detector without compromise. From the moment you pick up the SDT200 and grip its robust chassis you know that SDT has not sacrificed quality for the sake of price. Now slip on the cushion comfort headphones and transport your senses to a world of crystal clear, high definiton ultrasonic enjoyment. Suddenly you realize that the SDT200 makes “the world of ultrasonic inspection” obtainable for every budget… without compromise.

When Decibels Aren’t Enough

Part 1

Jim Hall

For years, I have preached about trending motor bearing readings when using ultrasound. The most common practice is to acquire a baseline (db reading) and then follow-up at 90-, 60-, or 30-day intervals. I still recommend that you continue to trend your decibels on motor bearings.

Anatomy of an Ultrasound Database

Anatomy of an Ultrasound Database

A half an hour long presentation by Paul Klimuc, Sales Manager, SDT Ultrasound Solutions

Ultrasound inspection is not new. In fact we've been using it for decades to find leaks; check bearings; inspect steam traps and electrical systems; and much more. In the past we came to depend on ultrasonic detection as an on-the-spot diagnostics and troubleshooting technology. Rarely was the data gathered for trending, alarming, or advanced diagnostics like it is today. Now modern ultrasound data collectors are really changing the game. We depend on them to provide real time condition based data to help us predict failures on most processes. Now we need ways to manage the data. "Anatomy of an Ultrasound Database" looks at the issues of proper database construction. Learn the dos and don'ts of building an asset library tree. Look at different ways to group assets into manageable half day or full day surveys. Observe how data is collected, transferred, trended, and alarmed in a planned survey. And then how to tie it together into a meaningful report that makes sense for multiple levels of management.

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