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leadership for reliability

Reliability Solutions Training LLC.

Reliability Solutions works directly with our clients to optimize product quality/quantity, improve asset availability, reduce maintenance cost, conserve energy, and change safety performance.


Mainnovation is a management consultancy company specialized in Maintenance, Reliability and Asset Management, with offices in the USA and Europe. It is our mission to professionalize asset management organizations in such a way that they create tangible added value for the company. We carry out our mission through the Value Driven Maintenance® (VDM) methodology.

Productivity Inc

For over 35 years Productivity Incorporated has been providing operational excellence consulting and training services to companies throughout the Global 1000 helping them build capabilities, save money, and grow.

 ATS SkillPoint Study Reveals Manufacturing Maintenance Training Correlates to Increased Performance

ATS SkillPoint Study Reveals Manufacturing Maintenance Training Correlates to Increased Performance

Advanced Technology Services, Inc. (ATS), the single source for optimizing assets enterprise-wide through manufacturing maintenance, industrial parts repair and world-class IT managed solutions, today announced the results of their technical maintenance training study. Results indicated that optimized maintenance training is "very relevant" to achieving operational excellence and can generate a ROI as high as 127%.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox

Force Field Analysis

A good tool to use to determine if you are ready for change is force field analysis. It provides a visual framework for showing forces that support or hinder a desired change or goal. It can


Audit it. Improve it! Processes and KPIs for a Successful Condition Monitoring Program - Part 1

Audit it. Improve it! Processes and KPIs for a Successful Condition Monitoring Program - Part 1

The RELIABILITY Conference 2016- Workshop Course 
by Alan Friedman, Author - 90:39

Sometimes people go to work and do their jobs taking measurements and writing reports, often with great care and skill. Their reports and recommendations then travel into a deep abyss from which they never return and are never heard from again. Sound familiar? This situation is unfortunately a common one in the condition-monitoring world. Machine condition reports are generated to help the planners plan but the planners never look at the reports. They might not know how to interpret them or they may simply choose to ignore them. A healthy machine might be replaced on a PM schedule even though there is nothing wrong with it. A machine might failure catastrophically even though there was plenty of evidence was available to predict the impending failure.

It is important to be certain that reports reach the people who need them and that the reports are understood, valued and utilized. This comes under the “right reporting” component of a successful program. What is also needed is a process of follow up and review to verify the reports are accurate and the program is providing the benefits it should. In this sense, “right follow up and review” is directly linked to “right goals.” This is the part of the process where you determine if your goals are being met. If they are not, then make appropriate changes to the program to evolve it or improve it.

This short course will also discuss KPI’s to measure to insure you are getting the most from your vibration monitoring or CM program.

Dealing with Negativity - Learning Points

Learning Points:

Change – these are events or physical happenings – they are external.

Transition – this is moving from one state or stage to another. This is how we deal with change. This is the psychological process that people go through as they deal with change and this is where it is determined whether the change was good or bad – this is internal.

To create change, you need to challenge the status quo and discover that change is sometimes a result of the challenge.

Persistence is a simple way of winning people over. Once they see that you believe in what you are doing and that you are going to continue to do it, they will come on board.

Find partners everywhere you can -- suppliers, sister plants, even competitors if there is a common benefit.

Don’t reinvent the wheel. When you find a solution, look for other areas in the organization where you can use that solution.

Benchmark with yourself. How are you doing compared to before you started on the journey? Compare like equipment to identify ‘bad actors.’ Compare the performance of your people to identify the opportunity for training or advancement.

Ensure that decisions and involvement are made at the lowest organizational level possible, as close to the problem as possible. Involvement encourages interest and interest encourages solutions.

Don’t forget to review the roadmap and communicate your progress to everyone involved.

Tip from People: A Reliability Success Story by Cliff Williams

 Des-Case Repeats as a Tennessean Top Workplace

Des-Case Repeats as a Tennessean Top Workplace

Honor affirms not only an inviting work environment, but bottom-line success for the manufacturer, as well.

Finding Something in Nothing

Learn more about Leadership for Reliability. Watch Rob Bishop's presentation "Lasting Change – A Cultural Revolution for Reliability" from the Solutions 2.0 Virtual Conference.

Watch Now

A Journey to Shape Reliability Excellence at Bristol-Myers Squibb: Part 4

A Journey to Shape Reliability Excellence at Bristol-Myers Squibb: Part 4

This fourth installment shows how the Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (BMS) was able to train and certify more than 200 employees as certified reliability leaders (CRLs) in just one and a half years. The series began in Uptime’s December/January 2016 issue with the initial implementation of Uptime Elements at BMS. The second installment in the February/March 2016 issue explained the alignment of the framework with the sites, while the third installment in the April/May 2016 issue covered the role of the central corporate strategy. These all supported the culture that led BMS to 200 CRLs.

The 3 Pillars of  World-Class Maintenance

The 3 Pillars of World-Class Maintenance

All operations managers know the great importance of being able to meet their organization’s increasing expectations for reliability, lower costs and higher uptime. Admittedly, some do try to build a differentiator by focusing exclusively on building and tracking financial key performance indicators (KPIs). Nevertheless, this is merely a subset of what a world-class maintenance system is really about.

Training for Excellence: How Adults Learn

To prepare you for the training program’s planning, purchasing and/or designing process, we want to review the principles of how adults learn. These principles form the foundation for any

1. ...

 TPC Trainco’s New 4-Day Maintenance Management Course Aims to Transform Facility Maintenance Practic

TPC Trainco’s New 4-Day Maintenance Management Course Aims to Transform Facility Maintenance Practic

The leader in live maintenance training expands its seminar schedule to offer training in maintenance planning and predictive maintenance management in four US cities in 2016.

Leadership Principles of Dr. W. Edwards Deming

Leadership Principles of Dr. W. Edwards Deming

The RELIABILITY Conference - Keynote Presentation - 59:00 
Joyce Orsini - Author, The Essential Deming: Leadership Principles

Fordham University professor and Deming expert Joyce Orsini draws on a wealth of previously unavailable material to present the legendary thinker's most important management principles in one indispensable keynote.

This keynote reveals Deming's unique insight about:

• How poor management infects an entire organization

• The critical importance of management on producing quality products and services

• Improving management in any company

• The effective management of people--the manager's single most important task

• How to educate workers into critical thinkers

• Ways to preserve statistical integrity while dealing with real-world problems

Things to Think About and Do (2016)

Things to Think About and Do (2016)

Big thoughts and small actions make a difference. Check out what we're working on and thinking about.

Elements for Transformation

Elements for Transformation

The RELIABILITY Conference - Uptime Elements Forum - 39:58 
by Jeff Shiver- Managing Principal, People and Processes, Inc.

As we automate more and more, the standard of maintenance is dependent on our effective execution of the necessary work to ensure that your assets continue to do what the user expects. Recognize that effective work execution is not a cafeteria plan. Each element is interconnected and foundational to ensure reliability. Weak elements and missing links can not only jeopardize the journey to reliability but more importantly, kill or injure people. Join Jeff Shiver, CMRP, CRL as he demonstrates the six key elements necessary for work execution. In addition to identifying the elements and their links, Jeff will explain the consequences and benefits of ensuring this holistic work execution foundation for the journey for reliability.

Initiative Overload: A Misalignment Issue

A second misalignment issue is initiative overload—too many initiatives competing for limited resources and lacking in alignment to an overall strategy that links them in an understandable way.

... by Ron Moore

People Are Your Challenge… People Are Your Opportunity

Have you ever wondered why the promotion you recently made just isn't working out? He or she was our best millwright or engineer but they are really struggling as managers. They seem to be able

... Cliff Williams, CRLPrincipal Advisor Maintenance and Reliability

Deciphering the Myths: Some Observations on Improvement Tools and Strategy

Deciphering the Myths: Some Observations on Improvement Tools and Strategy

It’s not easy trying to convince people to use a more comprehensive approach to achieve reliability and operational excellence objectives. Managers need to focus less on maintenance and more on operations, design and procurement. Eliminating the defects in these areas will naturally result in fewer failures, lower costs, higher production and, not surprisingly, a far more efficient and effective maintenance organization. If you focus mainly on maintenance, you will only do work that you shouldn’t be doing in the first place more efficiently. But if you focus on the other areas, working as a team aligned to a common purpose while giving an appropriate level of attention to maintenance, you will be far more successful in having a reliable plant. This article attempts to convince people to apply this comprehensive approach by addressing certain myths.

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