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reliability engineering for maintenance

Definition: FRACAS

Failure Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action System

A Formal management information system that supports five distinct and basic functions:

1) Recording data about failures

2) Reporting data to engineers/analysts for data analysis

3) Analysis to discover failure causes

4) Documenting corrective action plans

5) Checking on corrective action adequacy if any further action is required

Tip excerpted from The Professionals Guide to Maintenance and Reliability Terminology by Ramesh Gulati, Jerry Kahn and Bob Baldwin

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Best Practices for Failure Reporting and Failure Elimination

Best Practices for Failure Reporting and Failure Elimination

A 38 minute iPresentation Tutorial by Ricky Smith, GPAllied

Almost every maintenance organization sets some sort of failure elimination goal.  The problem is, most goals are focused on elimination of bad actors or "one asset at a time".


Here is the bad news; this failure elimination process could take forever and still never eliminate the failures. Have you ever performed a Root Cause Analysis on a piece of equipment only to see the failure again soon afterwards?

There are known "Best Practices" in Industry for Failure Reporting but they are fragmented in most organizations and not pulled together providing an organization true success in failure elimination.

This iPresentation will provide each attendee with details on how to establish Failure Reporting, Analysis, and Corrective Action System "Best Practices" which includes;

1) What reports are required to eliminate failures

2) How to identify "failure threads" within different equipment types which can be acted on to bring quick results and make a large impact to the reliability of your operation

3) How to set up a CMMS/EAM with the right types of codes to give you the right reports to eliminate failures


Reliability Centered Design

Incorporating Reliability Centered Maintenance Principles in Front End Engineering and Design

Incorporating Reliability Centered Maintenance Principles in Front End Engineering and Design of Deep Water Capital Projects

Make Time For Reliability

Those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it! How many times has your advanced condition-monitoring program uncovered the same failure? With the use of the latest hardware and software, Infrared Thermographers have become very proficient at detecting problems (hopefully before disaster strikes). Unfortunately these technologies do very little in terms of preventing the problem from occurring in the first place.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox

Precision Based Reliability

In my many years of experience and throughout my travels I have done quite a bit of teaching and consulting on various Reliability related topics. Often I feel like the proverbial evangelist at a revival meeting. After all, the audience already knows the message - the true path to their salvation - the problem is in acting upon this knowledge and doing what is right, instead of pursuing what seems to be the easiest path to immediate gratification. Let's just fix the equipment instead of analyzing the reason why it failed for example. Like anything else worth doing, obtaining true Reliability takes a concerted effort. We all recognize that the potential rewards are tremendous. We are also acutely aware that there is a certain amount of pain and suffering that must be endured if we are to obtain what we so desperately desire. So let's dispense with the passing of the collection plate and get right to the message.

Breakdown Information Sharing Table

Increase awareness of your break down work by placing a table and sign in a conspicuous area of your plant, and placing a copy of all breakdown workorders and parts changed on it. Make sure that





Locking in Day-to-Day Defect Elimination

If your maintenance department spends more time fixing breakdowns than discovering and eliminating the causes of faults, you know you're on shaky ground. You wonder: how do others manage to


Bermuda Electric Company’s PM Optimization Program

Bermuda Electric Company’s PM Optimization Program

When staff at the Bermuda Electric Light Co. Ltd researched RCM, precious little data was found regarding its application to a primarily large diesel driven power utilities. The company subsequently decided upon a Planned Maintenance Optimization approach using PMO2000® with aggressive targets and timelines. The targets were, a 20% increase in productivity, chop downtime in half and deliver this within 1 year. In this webinar, Mr. Abayomi Carmichael, Senior Reliability Engineer, Energy Supply with Bermuda Electric Light Co. Ltd will share his experiences and challenges in achieving the target with the PMO2000® approach. Mr. Carmichael recently accepted the coveted Ascendant Impact Award which he collected on behalf of his team at BELCO.

Combating Reactive Maintenance

Combating Reactive Maintenance

A 6 minute iPresentation Tutorial by Brian Heinsius, ARMS Reliability Engineers

There are two important areas to activate in an asset management system to change its behaviour.

• Defect elimination process to ensure that causes of failures are addressed to prevent recurrence of those or similar failures.

• Optimum Maintenance Strategies that address likely failures and the right type of maintenance is performed at the right time in order to meet the organisation needs at the least cost.

This iPresentation looks at some of the strategies that can be used to change the behaviour of a reactive organisation


Reliable and Safe Food Production- GMP Tip - Sanitary Operation (6 of 8)

Subpart E - Production and Process Controls

Reliability begins with following and understanding best practices. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) are the foundation to building operational and


Do These Up-Front Tasks to Achieve Real RCM Analysis Success!

Many companies do not understand the importance or the "how-to" of selecting the right assets for your first RCM Blitz analysis. While it would be fantastic if every company understood the power and results that can be delivered through a focused and thorough criticality analysis, honestly, most will just point to a machine that breaks down regularly and that will be the one system that gets the RCM Analysis.

Not to sound cliché but any successful RCM effort requires the culture to

*If ...

Getting Ready for an RCM Analysis

Getting Ready for an RCM Analysis

Many RCM Analyses don't get off to the right start and waste valuable time gathering data when they should be analyzing the data.

Prior preparation is key to a good start and is one element of this 3 minute iPresentation tutorial. It can be used to perform RCM Analysis utilizing traditional RCM or RCM BlitzTM Methodologies.


Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) Definition

MTBF is the arithmetical mean of the time between a number of failures of a single system or device, or all failures of a population of similar systems or devices. There are a variety of ways

RCM as Risk Management

RCM is mainly used in industry to develop a list of maintenance task or maintenance strategy. The maintenance tasks developed using RCM are based on the reliability of a system, equipment or

Tip ...

Why Do RCM Implementations Fail?

RCM Implementations don't fail, believe me if you understand what your getting into upfront, use a proven process to select your asset for analysis AND you commit the resources, your

Think about ...

What Do You Have a Right to Expect?

What you have a right to expect is the result of the reliability characteristics that were designed and built-in to your systems and equipment, and have been preserved through proper operation

Inherent Reliability

Inherent reliability is probably the single most important characteristic of any system or piece of equipment in terms of determining overall reliability performance. The inherent reliability ...

The Kiss Principal

When it comes to Reliability Engineering and Reliability Centered Maintenance I have always been a believer in the KISS principal. KISS means Keep It Simple Stupid and while some people might be


Reliable and Safe Food Production- GMP Tip - Sanitary Operation (4 of 8)

Equipment (Section 110.40 of 21CFR)

In General (a) - All plant equipment and utensils shall be designed and constructed of material and with workmanship that makes the equipment cleanable, and


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