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leadership for reliability

Habits are the Building Blocks to Sustainability

Habits are the Building Blocks to Sustainability

What habits do you have at your workplace? What work habits do your peers have?

Habits can ruin your life or make it better. You choose which habits form your lifestyle, but can corporations choose the habits that form the behavior(s) present in its workforce?

Asset Performance Management - Enabling Advanced Analytics

Asset Performance Management - Enabling Advanced Analytics

IMC-2017 Learning Session - 28:42
by Victor Rioli, Praxair, Inc

To compete in the global industrial markets today we must quickly navigate through the mountain of “Big Data” created by reliability, process, and financial systems into clear indicators where prescriptive actions can be taken to mitigate poor reliability before it occurs, maximizing ROI from our assets. Asset Performance Management or APM is attacking our “Big Data” challenge by systematically categorizing data that can be easily utilized by complicated algorithms and advanced analytics to drive prescriptive maintenance to optimize asset performance, and maximize OP. Advance analytics will define corrective maintenance causes, enable PM optimization, prescribe condition monitoring schedules, optimize critical spares, define TCO for proper supplier selection, and continually mitigate gaps in key performance indicators (KPI’s). Finally, even more important than competing, is winning and defining clear indicators with dispatch from your data will be your key to success.

 Reliability Leadership Game Launched at The RELIABILITY Conference

Reliability Leadership Game Launched at The RELIABILITY Conference® announces the release of the Reliability Leadership® Game at the 13th Annual RELIABILITY Conference held in Las Vegas, Nevada from April 23-27, 2018.

 April - May 2018

April - May 2018

Click to read all articles from this issue. You can also download the full PDF.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
10 Years of Reliability Implementation at ArcelorMittal - What We Have Learned

10 Years of Reliability Implementation at ArcelorMittal - What We Have Learned

IMC-2017 Learning Session - 37:59
by Scott Piech, ArcelorMittal

The new focus for ArcelorMittal’s USA plants is on creating MTA Turbo inspection routes, not full blown RCM analysis. This focus helps us for the following reasons:

Modified and reduced the training needed for the program.

Reduced the training required for a reliability engineer to produce MTA Turbo inspection routes:

2 week RCM class reduced to 1-week class

8 day EXP class reduced to 3 days

We only train our ArcelorMittal engineers to produce MTA Turbo inspection routes, not full blown RCM analysis. No need to train for something most areas will never use.

For supervisors, mechanics, electricians, and operators that will be needed to participate as subject matter experts:

3 day RCM class reduced to one 1 days.

Established Senior Management Steering committee

Report out on reliability team progress – focus on completing the inspection routes the reliability team develops and completing the WO’s that result from the inspections.

This has been the #1 issue in areas that we have failed. We don’t do the inspections or complete the WO’s from inspections

Creating a management steering team addressed these issues.

 Uptime® Magazine Announces Solution Awards Winners for 2018!

Uptime® Magazine Announces Solution Awards Winners for 2018!

Excellence in innovative products, software, training and services for reliability and asset management.



Part of the mission at® is to discover and deliver approaches to make reliability leaders and asset managers safer and more successful. I am blessed to be able to meet some of the best reliability leaders and asset managers in the world as I travel to learn (discover) and teach (deliver). There is nothing more satisfying than seeing someone presenting their journey based on the use of the Uptime® Elements™ framework.

 How To Achieve An Uptime Elements Black Belt

How To Achieve An Uptime Elements Black Belt

Do or do not – there is no try ~ Yoda

Are you one of those people who will not start a project until planning is close to perfect?

The Uptime Elements Black Belt program is designed


How and Why to Change an Award - Winning Asset Management and Reliability Program

How and Why to Change an Award - Winning Asset Management and Reliability Program

IMC-2017 Learning Session - 34:11

by Ray Congdon & Russ Parrish, CBRE

In 2016 CBRE won the Best Work Execution Management Program award at the 2016 International Maintenance Conference (IMC) for our Maintenance Excellence (ME) Program. In 2017 CBRE modified and rebranded ME to Asset Performance and Energy Excellence (APEX). Why in less than a year would CBRE take the ME program and significantly modify it? What made it necessary to change and rebrand a program that was as successful as ME? How did CBRE go about doing it and what have the results been? This presentation will go down this decision making process and journey.

Other aspects that will be covered include:

Detailed explanation of the APEX program

How APEX and the Uptime Elements/Reliability Leadership Institute are intertwined

Varying environments APEX is implemented in – medical, pharma, manufacturing, traditional facilities management, data centers, retail, etc.

Global rollout challenges conquered

How APEX partners with CBREs plan to be “world Class”.

Vision for 2018 and beyond

How APEX fits into CBREs overall reliability and innovation plan

The Vanishing Workforce and How to Deal With It

The Vanishing Workforce and How to Deal With It

For over 10 years, the country has seen a shift in the workforce. Older workers, known as baby boomers, have begun to leave in droves before younger replacements are trained or, in some cases, even onboard. You keep hearing, “jobs, jobs, jobs,” but what should be heard is, skilled workers, skilled workers, skilled workers. That’s right, there is a worker shortage more than a job shortage. Why, you may ask? There are several reasons, but more importantly, very little is being done to solve the problem.

Building a Reliable Plant Through Constant Evolution

Building a Reliable Plant Through Constant Evolution

Greenfield Global’s ethanol plant in Varennes, Quebec, Canada, demonstrates the power of maintaining and evolving a strong reliability plan. Reliability is a key term in manufacturing that plenty of people talk about, but often find difficult to tackle in a practical way. Often, when discussing reliability, people imagine it to be achievable only for large scale, high capital organizations with a great deal of manpower. This misunderstanding stems from the misconception that reliability is a goal: just put the right equipment in place, spend enough money and somehow the plant will become reliable. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

How to Get the Resources and Support You Need

How to Get the Resources and Support You Need

If you’re getting comments like these, you’re not alone. For those in the reliability field with a technical background, it can be frustrating. Your response might be, “The numbers in the spreadsheets are clear. Why is it so hard to get support from the executive team?”

Although your work is backed by hard science and a solid body of work, the fact is many others in the company may not have a good picture of what maintenance reliability professionals do to contribute to its success.

This article gives you some ideas on how you can demonstrate the value of your work and that of your team’s in order to get acceptance and support from the rest of the organization. As a result, your recommendations get followed, you get the staff and budget you need, and you’re seen as a team player.

 February - March 2018

February - March 2018

Click to read all articles from this issue. You can also download the full PDF.

2017 Uptime Awards - Recognizing the Best of the Best!

2017 Uptime Awards - Recognizing the Best of the Best!

Uptime magazine congratulates the following outstanding programs for their commitment to and execution of high quality Predictive Maintenance and Condition Monitoring Programs.

Before the P-F Curve

Before the P-F Curve

IMC-2017 Keynote - 36:17
by Terrence O'Hanlon, and Doug Plucknette, Author

Join us for a unique, but critical look further left of the curve. We will examine the importance of precision maintenance at the time of installation and discuss methods and tools used to design reliability in your equipment.

 Emerson Completes Acquisition of ProSys, Inc.

Emerson Completes Acquisition of ProSys, Inc.

Deal adds new software capabilities to improve plant performance and brings new technologies to Emerson’s Operational Certainty initiative

 December - January 2018

December - January 2018

Click to read all articles from this issue. You can also download the full PDF.

Mercedes-Benz Journey to Reliability Excellence

Mercedes-Benz Journey to Reliability Excellence

Mercedes-Benz U.S. International (MBUSI), an SUV and sedan plant in Vance, AL, was undergoing some organizational changes in August 2011. Ken Hayes had rotated through several senior management positions throughout Mercedes and was returning to maintenance and engineering after eight years managing body and assembly production operations. He was dissatisfied by a lack of growth in the maintenance systems and decided to benchmark other Daimler facilities to see if there were practices he could apply at MBUSI. Realizing maintenance challenges were very similar in the other plants, he searched for a different approach.

Selling Reliability: Getting Buy-In Is Essential to Successful Implementations

Selling Reliability: Getting Buy-In Is Essential to Successful Implementations

The RELIABILITY Conference Learning Session - 32:56
by Keith Staton, Weyerhaeuser Company

How many times do we have reliability projects that appear to be a no brainer on paper, but we fail to get the buy in from the “powers that be”. Sometimes even the best projects don’t sway the decision makers. Sometimes Reliability has to be Sold – This is a light hearted look at how we sometimes don’t consider the presentation of a potential Reliability Project and fail to get the Buy In necessary to get it off the ground. A brief case study on how selling Lubrication Training was accomplished and is still moving forward to this day.

Why Use the Uptime Elements Framework for Reliability Culture Awareness?

The Uptime Elements provides a visual framework.

Easy to follow & set up to prioritize your plan for a successful implementation. The value of a whole site, all in sync with the goals and


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