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leadership for reliability

Certified Reliability Leader Black Belts

Certified Reliability Leader Black Belts at IMC-2021

Practice makes perfect and Uptime Elements Domain Mastery Belts are the best way to get a cadence of career making, HR documented and validated accomplishments.

Beyond Performance 2.0

Beyond Performance 2.0

The pace and complexity of change is greater today than it has ever been and remains critical to manage the organizational change with the same rigor as technical change.

Digital Built America: Smarter, More Sustainable and Resilient

Digital Built America: Smarter, More Sustainable and Resilient

Building back better means transitioning the current infrastructure to smarter, more sustainable forms of development to safeguard the country’s future.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
You Say You Want A Revolution

You Say You Want A Revolution

You say you want a revolution, we'd all love to see the plan!

Reliability Radio EP 258: Brendon Russ

Reliability Radio EP 258: Brendon Russ

Brendon Russ of US Sugar introduces us to the exciting new release of the IoT Digitalization Passport.

Reliability Radio EP 256: Steve Sloane

Reliability Radio EP 256: Steve Sloane

Steve Sloane discusses how the Reliability Leadership Foundation (RLF) is tackling relevant maintenance topics through the use of consortiums.

The Journey to Success with Asset Management

The Journey to Success with Asset Management

The journey to success with asset management and your Maximo implementation requires leadership along with a lot of hard work on the part of many.

What Is Reliability?

What Is Reliability?

Depending upon your perspective, there are multiple answers to this seemingly unanswerable question.

My Dinner with Albert Einstein and W. Edwards Deming

My Dinner with Albert Einstein and W. Edwards Deming

I was at a small Italian restaurant in the East Village of New York City eating dinner with the Physics genius Albert Einstein and Quality Management guru Dr W. Edwards Deming.

Reliability Radio EP 254: Melissa Ruth, WIRAM

Reliability Radio EP 254: Melissa Ruth, WIRAM

Melissa Ruth discusses her work with the WIRAM organization and how diversity is a tapestry that goes beyond just what the eye can see.

The Reliability and Maintenance Workforce of the Future

The Reliability and Maintenance Workforce of the Future

The ways of working for plant maintenance and reliability practitioners are beginning to change and will probably radically change over the coming years. The fundamental question is: What will it change to?

Reliability Radio EP 251: Scott Schilling

We uncover the value of collaboration through MUGS - Maximo User Groups. Scott Shilling (Prometheus Group) discusses the importance of community and sharing, and how gathering together to share

Connecting Operational Excellence to the Uptime Elements

Connecting Operational Excellence to the Uptime Elements

This presentation will explain the concepts of operational excellence (Opx) from real-world implementations and show connections to reliability and the Uptime Elements, and how these connections can be used to amplify impact.

Reliability Radio EP 249: Jay West and Richard Bowman

How do adults learn? Why are those that work in the reliability maintenance industry more likely to learn from visual and kinesthetic learning? Listen in as EAM Masters discusses this human

Women in the 21st Century Workplace: The Empowerment of Women into Leadership Roles

Women in the 21st Century Workplace: The Empowerment of Women into Leadership Roles

The presentation aims to foster business excellence for women by building awareness of the essential skills and knowledge base necessary for professional women to excel and advance into leadership positions.

Reliability Radio EP 246: Michael Salvato and Katriona Levins

Join Katriona Levins of Bentley Systems and Michael Salvato of Mott McDonald as they discuss the importance of developing a diverse company culture. Including voices from different

Management of Change

Management of Change

Management of Change (MOC) - Why do you need this? What is required? How do you do it?

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