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The Reliability Conference 2025: Actionable Insights for Reliability Success.

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Don't Let Your Assets Manage You: A Global Design for Reliability Story

Don't Let Your Assets Manage You: A Global Design for Reliability Story

Physical assets (equipment, systems, etc.) continue to challenge our sites from executing flawlessly and from achieving maximum asset performance/potential.

Uptime Award Winner - Best Reliability Engineering for Maintenance: Nike Air MI

Uptime Award Winner - Best Reliability Engineering for Maintenance: Nike Air MI

Nike Air MI maintenance department is transitioning from a reactive maintenance program to a reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) strategy. At Nike Air MI, we believe achieving world-class maintenance is a destination and not a goal, and when implementing new strategies, we ensure systems are sustainable and directly affects the bottom-line of the business.

Organizational Changes as a Reliability Process

Organizational Changes as a Reliability Process

DC Water through its groundbreaking Research and Innovation Programs, as well as cutting edge process technologies implemented at full scale, has achieved global recognition as a leader in treatment technologies. In the last 12 months, DC Water also underwent a change in leadership with the new CEO having a clear mandate from the Board to address this customer facing issue.

IMC Features the World’s Best-Run Companies

IMC Features the World’s Best-Run Companies

The world’s best-run companies take a stand. Each person and organization choose an aim or a reason to exist. This aim, or stand, defines who they are. Whatever that stand may be, it is powerful.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
Large Diameter Pipe Condition Assessments

Large Diameter Pipe Condition Assessments

This presentation shall detail how Central Arizona Project plans for the inspection of pipelines, and our modern tools and methods of evaluation. Noteworthy in this presentation will be details on CAP's use of mobile tablets to capture condition data in a Geographic Information System database.

Centrifuge Motor Trips

Centrifuge Motor Trips

The Grifols PdM group uses a variety of technologies to improve reliability in motor overload.

Uptime Award Winner • Best Reliability Engineering for Maintenance Program • Central San

Uptime Award Winner • Best Reliability Engineering for Maintenance Program • Central San

Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) provides wastewater collection and treatment for approximately 481,600 residents and 3,000 businesses in Contra Costa County. Central San's main facility is a treatment plant in Martinez, California, processing an average of 32 million gallons per day of municipal wastewater and providing up to 3 million gallons per day of recycled water to businesses in the community.

Estimating Availability and Reliability Using FEM Maximo to Assist Reliability Centered Maintenance

Estimating Availability and Reliability Using FEM Maximo to Assist Reliability Centered Maintenance

IMC-2017 Learning Session 34:12
by Robert C Patev, US Army Corps of Engineers

The USACE is starting a pilot program to coordinate their Facility Equipment Maintenance (FEM) Maximo database for use in better understanding their current and future routine and non-routine maintenance practices throughout their large portfolio of Civil Works projects. With a stagnation of the USACE maintenance budgets over the past 10 years and an aging and deteriorating infrastructure, the investment strategies to maximize and stretch maintenance dollars are critical to maintain the availability and reliability of USACE Civil Works projects. This reliability is important to maintain the value that the USACE projects provided to the nation.

As part of these pilots, the USACE has started to link their FEM Maximo database with a Commercial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) program called Availability Workbench (AWB) to examine the links to the reliability of their complex systems. Fault trees have been constructed for the pilot projects based on a hierarchy of components and subsystems that are parallel to the FEM Maximo database. AWB is being utilized to examine and process the existing data records for both maintenance, repair, replacement and failure of components and subsystems in the fault trees. Weibayes analyses is conducted using the FEM Maximo data to update the baseline Weibull curves for many of the fault tree components. AWB is then able to analyze these systems for various maintenance scenarios and the final results can be examined to show the optimal maintenance for these systems. The results from a USACE FEM Maximo and AWB pilot will be shown as part of the presentation.

Reliability Operators

Reliability Operators

IMC-2017 Learning Session 49:16
by Ernest Newmes, Stepan Company.

Stepan is a chemical company producing specialty and intermediate chemicals such as surfactants, polymers, and other specialty products. Stepan Company has been maturing its Reliability program by developing all roles within the company to understand their part in Reliability.

Production Operator participation in Reliability is frequently referred to as Operator Driven Reliability or Autonomous Maintenance. Operators are integrally involved in operating equipment and have a unique opportunity, when equipped with tools and knowledge, to improve Reliability. Their frequent presence and familiarity of equipment can be leveraged to recognize equipment issues earlier in the P-F interval and operate them effectively. Audio, visual, and olfactory (AVO) indications are fundamental to heading off major equipment issues. Local and remote sensors are also used to recognize issues earlier on the P-F interval. In addition to having a presence, basic knowledge of equipment operation and function is essential to operating equipment within its operating envelop. Operating by procedure reduces the human impact on operations.

The topics covered will include:

  • Overview of Operator Rounds at Stepan:
    • Development of Rounds
    • AVO
    • Sensors/Visual Aides
    • Electronic Rounds
    • Activity Feedback
  • Developing Operator Knowledge
    • New Operator Training
    • Knowledge “roadshow” for experienced operators
  • Operating by Procedure
    • Procedures that need diligence for a successful outcome
    • Development of critical procedures
    • Electronic Procedure
    • Activity Feedback
Preventive Maintenance Optimization (PMO): Building on the Success of Worker Engagement

Preventive Maintenance Optimization (PMO): Building on the Success of Worker Engagement

IMC-2017 Learning Session  40:28
by Paul Durko, Consolidated Nuclear Security (CNS) Y-12.

Over the past several years a leveraged approach to re-establishing the maintenance history, feedback, and improvement process has reaffirmed the management and technician relationship required to build a sustainable effort. While not a perfect process, the technicians realize that there is a commitment to ensuring their efforts are acted upon which in turn has reignited the sense of asset ownership at the floor level.

This effort, a topic of a previous IMC presentation, became the springboard to the next initiative; Preventive Maintenance Optimization (PMO). The PMO effort has been implemented in key Production areas of the plant since 2015. Due to complexity of work execution in the Operating Environment the effort was implemented in two phases.

Phase I – Team Synergy, Work Instruction Standardization, Task Validation – Expansion of Task Instruction and Parts Identification
Phase II – System Performance Trending, Task Optimization, Continuous Improvement, Expansion of Condition Based Maintenance Activities

Launching a PMO Strategy to Free Up Critical Resources for High Value Activities

Launching a PMO Strategy to Free Up Critical Resources for High Value Activities

  • IMC-2017 Learning Session - 37:10

by Jim Oldach, CH2M and John Tierney, Metropolitan Council Environmental Services.

Using the Uptime Elements as a guide, the Environment Services Division of the Metropolitan Council (MCES) is optimizing preventive maintenance activities in its largest treatment facility using an enterprise criticality framework. In 2016 MCES completed a Criticality Analysis (CA) pilot project focused on its Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plant’s Solids Management Process (SMP), one of the largest solids disposal and energy recover facilities in the nation. MCES identified critical assets consuming a disproportionate amount of resources and implemented strategies to improve operational availability, free up critical maintenance resources for higher value activities, and reduce costs. MCES partnered with engineering firm CH2M to develop the pilot, document the process and train internal resources to sustain the strategy and implement it across $7 billion in infrastructure assets.

The presentation will detail the approach, the process, and tools including:

  • Getting sponsor and executive support.
  • Establishing internal resources for continued PMO implementation.
  • Buy-in from the Operations and Maintenance staff.
  • Using data to drive decisions.
  • Achieving measurable results showing the return on investment, including cost savings, cultural improvement, system performance increase and deferred capital investment.
Best Reliability Engineering for Maintenance Program (Uptime Award Winner) - Bristol-Myers Squibb

Best Reliability Engineering for Maintenance Program (Uptime Award Winner) - Bristol-Myers Squibb

IMC Learning Session - 40:28 
by Michael Andrews and Luis Tirado-Maldonado, Bristol-Myers Squibb

The function of the reliability engineering program is to help deliver the company’s mission by ensuring its assets, systems and infrastructure run as designed and the highest possible uptime without compromising safety or quality to our patients. The reliability engineering program at BMS focuses on a system lifecycle approach to equipment from design, build, acceptance, use and disposal. Strategies for this approach are continually aligned to the business mission. Real-time key performance indicators (KPIs) to a strong failure reporting analysis and corrective action system (FRACAS) helps monitor the effectiveness of the program while also striving for continuous improvement. Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) approaches are also employed - a main component being criticality ranking of equipment, which aids in the level of RCM assessment given to a piece of equipment. The RCM for high critical equipment may include: work order history analysis, FMEA, BOM, maintenance strategy optimization and life cycle costing. Condition monitoring strategies are also determined using the level of criticality. The criticality ranking is configured in the enterprise asset management system and allows for priority of work scheduling, as well as aiding in focus of failure analytics and reporting. Without question, this program is most effective due to the leadership and culture developed at BMS and at all levels in the organization. Cross-functional teams from engineering, operations, quality, management, maintenance, metrology and supply chain all take part in reliability forums and training on the Certified Reliability Leadership program using the Uptime Elements™ framework.

How to RCM Analyze a Linear Asset Over 70 Miles Long

How to RCM Analyze a Linear Asset Over 70 Miles Long

IMC-2017 Learning Session - 40:50
by Tim Allen and Jennifer Jia, Central Arizona Project

Central Arizona Project (CAP), Arizona’s largest water utility, will present a case study of two linear asset RCM projects that evaluated over 70 miles of their Aqueduct System including both open channel canal and the largest diameter flexible pipe siphon ever constructed by the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation. These asset management evaluations were used to validate a proposed multi-million dollar underground siphon overhaul, as well as to produce a comprehensive maintenance strategy for all canal objects in the mitigation of water delivery risks. Attendees will learn how CAP utilized the RCM process to facilitate knowledge transfer between multiple engineering departments while at the same time collaborating with Maintenance and Operations.

How to Lead Design for Reliability (DfR) with Stage Gate Triggers

How to Lead Design for Reliability (DfR) with Stage Gate Triggers

IMC-2017 Learning Session - 42:19
by Marie Getsug, Jacobs, and George Williams, B. Braun Medical

Asset Management has introduced a few key concepts which require a shift from focusing on initial investment to optimizing the life-cycle cost. The basis for such decisions are rooted in a risk-based and science-based approach to understanding the requirements of the asset throughout its useful life. The risk-based approach drives prioritization and optimization; whereas, the science-based approach honors the Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) experience as well as seeking meaningful data to drive decisions. Both must be applied in the concept and design phases to be effective.

Shifting the Project Management Office (PMO) and the Capital Engineering Process from a mindset of initial cost, scope and schedule to a focus on Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) requires a catalyst for change. Design for Reliability (DfR) answers this requirement with a methodology that blends aspects of statistics, probability and reliability theory, and engineering analysis throughout a product lifecycle to evaluate, predict, and verify the application of robust design. Through application of DfR practices, the demand for highly-reliable systems can be met while insuring that the latest methods for the assessment of robust design and risk-management are properly addressed. The design and concept stage gates become the most significant triggers for DfR and the mechanism for the timely application of each DfR element. Experiences introducing and customizing a DfR Program and toolkit to achieve a Corporate Vision and optimize the performance of the assets throughout their useful life will be shared. Stakeholders with any level of responsibility for these assets are being called upon to contribute their experience in the concept and design phases, core to both Front End Planning (FEP) and DfR. A governance structure that supports, funds and allows for the input of these Stakeholders at these timely stage gates is fundamental to the success of a DfR Program.

Hindsight - Taking Notice of the Telltale Signs

Hindsight - Taking Notice of the Telltale Signs

IMC-2017 Learning Session - 31:59
by Timothy Rice, Rio Tinto

Hindsight is the ability to understand an event or situation only after it has happened. How many times have you witnessed a catastrophic equipment failure and realized during the root cause analysis investigation that the little indicators you were seeing were the telltale signs that a catastrophic failure was about to occur?

Some significant equipment failure events which occurred recently showed just how much we need to take more notice of these “telltale” signs and prompted some questions. Have we become desensitized in our ability to recognize the telltale signs of failing equipment and are we accepting them as the new normal? How do we remove the complacency around these leading indicators?

To regain control we must introduce some chronic unease around the health of our assets and what we are accepting as a normalization of deviance.

Reliability Rocks Capital Projects at Mosaic: Reliability in Capital Projects

Reliability Rocks Capital Projects at Mosaic: Reliability in Capital Projects

IMC-2017 Learning Session - 39:37
by Perry Steele, The Mosaic Company, & Doug Plucknette, Allied Reliability

Have you even been on the receiving end of a large capital project that fell far short of expectations? One that required weeks, months or more to reach "subpar" operation, much less the "optimized" level of operation that justified the project in the first place?

This presentation will outline how Mosaic and Allied Reliability Group improved the Capital Project Management (CPM) Process at Mosaic and then applied those improvements on a major capital project. In 2015, a leadership team with representatives from both companies worked to identify gaps in the existing CPM Process with regard to Reliability and Asset Management Best Practices.

As the Process updates were being developed, a significant capital project for Mosaic was getting underway where these practices could be employed to ensure key project goals would be met or exceeded. The project plan was updated to include the targeted reliability activities, adding additional resources where justified, in an effort to ensure the project definition and execution delivered the expected results. As the project moved forward, subject matter experts from Engineering, Operations and Maintenance were brought in, where their working knowledge and experience would help to not only improve the design but also to ensure the equipment hit the ground running.

The outcome of this project met nearly every project measure in addition to having a "vertical launch" startup in terms of delivering expected production quickly. In addition, the company-wide CPM process has been updated to include the Reliability and Asset Management Best Practices that were identified at the onset. See for yourself the power of using proven tools and methods, as the team presents a look at the process enhancements and the associated project deliverables that helped make the project successful.

Digital RCM: A Practical Overview of How Digital Enhances Reliability

Digital RCM: A Practical Overview of How Digital Enhances Reliability

IMC-2017 Learning Session - 44:37
by Kimberly Bass, Accenture

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) can be overwhelming as many maintenance organizations struggle to see the practicality of applying digital technology to address classic maintenance challenges. Asset utilization is a primary value driver for maintenance and the adoption of equipment reliability programs has been a valuable means for strategically improving asset performance. Though Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is proven to be an effective methodology for addressing equipment reliability and advancing asset utilization, many organizations have been slow to adopt this approach due to the perceived increase in maintenance cost by expanding predictive and preventative maintenance programs. The adoption of advanced digital technologies in maintenance face a similar resistance because of the perceived cost of applying digital without an understanding of how significantly these technologies impact maintenance value drivers.

This session will give a comparison of traditional to digital RCM and show how digital capabilities enhance the effectiveness of RCM programs, increasing maintenance value and accelerating continuous improvement. This presentation shows how the adoption of digital—connectivity, smart sensors and devices, advanced analytics of process and asset data, and real time visibility and performance monitoring—directly impacts the core elements of the RCM framework. Attendees will gain an understanding of how IIOT and the application of digital technology:

Allow for advanced analytics and new insights that derive more value from plant data

Create new predictive capabilities (and how they compare to traditional RCM predictive methods)

Reduce risk and impact your equipment criticality analysis

Drive more effective maintenance strategies and efficient execution of strategy tasks to reduce failures

The digital plant addresses many barriers to organizational excellence. Come learn how digital impacts the traditional RCM framework and drives top-tier reliability performance that supports overall maintenance excellence.

Strengthening the Fundamentals: CNS Y-12’s Journey to Asset Reliability Excellence

Strengthening the Fundamentals: CNS Y-12’s Journey to Asset Reliability Excellence

IMC-2017 Learning Session - 32:02
by Paul Durko, Consolidated Nuclear Security (CNS) Y-12, & Jason Ballentine, ARMS Reliability

Many organizations are faced with trying to develop, document, and execute optimized maintenance strategies for their assets with limited resources. But imagine if this challenge was compounded by constant turnover of leadership, aged assets, and one other small thing – the maintenance budget had to be signed off by the President of the United States.

CNS Y-12, a government entity that maintains the U.S. nuclear stockpile, has certainly had its challenges breaking free from reactive maintenance mode. When it came time to commence a maintenance strategy optimization project it was important for them to do it as effectively and efficiently as possible.

This presentation covers the approach that CNS Y-12 chose to follow to review their strategy, identify gaps, and develop optimized maintenance strategies that can be immediately implemented and easily deployed to their CMMS for execution.

CNS Y-12 is now shifting from a reactive, as-needed maintenance plan to a proactive plan with strategies that will be applicable to all existing and future managed facilities. They can now meet their goal of controlling their assets verses the assets controlling their behavior. Other results include increased safety, decrease risk of unplanned events, efficiency gains, and an improvement in KPIs around maintenance and reliability metrics. CNS Y-12 will also be able to create a maintenance budget that is justified with a sound reliability foundation to present to the United States Government and show the risk/benefit of any additional funding.

Seeking the P-F Interval

Seeking the P-F Interval

IMC-2017 Learning Session - 40:25
by Alejandro Erives & Jason Zielinski, Stepan Company

Stepan is a chemical company producing specialty and intermediate chemicals such as surfactants, polymers, and other specialty products. A broad description of our goals include improving asset utilization, reducing cost, and improving efficiencies.

The P-F Interval is a widely known term / concept in maintenance and reliability circles. The time it takes for a defect to grow from a detectable size to a functional failure (i.e. “the P-F Interval”) is critical in determining condition based monitoring frequencies. Additionally, an understanding of the P-F interval is helpful in determining maintenance planning / scheduling priorities for corrective actions, once a defect is discovered.

Except for special studies or applications, the P-F interval is widely seen as highly subjective. However, through careful analysis of several years of condition monitoring data we have been able to quantify this time interval in our facility. We will show that being armed with a better understanding of the P-F interval at our facility can improve maintenance and planning efficiencies, especially as they relate to work generated from our predictive maintenance (PdM) programs.

Before the P-F Curve

Before the P-F Curve

IMC-2017 Keynote - 36:17
by Terrence O'Hanlon, and Doug Plucknette, Author

Join us for a unique, but critical look further left of the curve. We will examine the importance of precision maintenance at the time of installation and discuss methods and tools used to design reliability in your equipment.

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