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human capital management

The Reliability Culture: Six Common Culprits

The Reliability Culture: Six Common Culprits

A reliability program is only as strong as the reliability culture. There are six common culprits that can rob a reliability program by creating a disengaged and adverse workforce. 

Reliability Leadership: How to Engage People in the Culture of Reliability

Reliability Leadership: How to Engage People in the Culture of Reliability

TRC-2018 Learning Zone 47:20
by Luis Alberto Tilleria, Schlumberger SPM Shaya

In the industry, it is intended to implement the Asset Management Strategies supported by Reliability Engineering, one of the biggest challenges in implementing complex methodologies, is the difficult task of convincing people to win adherents, obtain the support and commitment of the personnel involved in the area of production, maintenance and projects, as well as, the senior executives of the organization. It is important to demonstrate that Reliability Engineering contributes to reduce operational risk, improve decision making and increases environmental care and safety to people, as well as sustainability, productivity, and profitability of processes. It is required that not only a strategic and technical implementation plan be drawn up, but this strategic plan must also contain a marketing, training, and communications plan for the staff. This will be demonstrated with practical and complex examples of how these methodologies were helping the staff to get involved to support the implementation of the Reliability Engineering Management. Demonstrating how these complex techniques can improve the quality of life in the workforce, increase the profitability of the process and contribute to the improvement of safety in the environment, makes it possible to obtain the necessary support to achieve the success of these Asset Management programs.

Building the Workforce of the Future: Uniting Industry and Education

Building the Workforce of the Future: Uniting Industry and Education

TRC-2018 Learning Zone 40:34
by Gail Norris, Siemens

Innovative technologies are revolutionizing manufacturing. Many companies are fast-tracking these game-changing technologies and smart factories needing high-tech workers are no longer a vision – they are a reality. Industry’s reliance on advanced technologies, combined with the skills gap created by the ongoing generational change-out are driving organizations to find new and innovative learning methods to ready their employees for this transformational change. Join us to experience new learning approaches that will ensure your organization will succeed in the digital era.

Human Capital Management:  An Uptime Element, Not an HR Program

Human Capital Management:  An Uptime Element, Not an HR Program

TRC-2018 Learning Zone 29:28
by Sean Mullan, 3M

As Reliability professionals, we need to rely on our Human Resources Departments as business partners. But at the end of the day, WE are responsible for managing our Human Capital. Do you have a strategy to manage human capital in your maintenance organization? Can you clearly articulate this strategy? How has the skills gap affected your organization and what are you doing to overcome the skills gap? Are you ready for the “Silver Tsunami”, and have you established clear plans for succession? Defining a career pathway in a Reliability and Maintenance organization helps ensure the health of that organization. The pathway must be clear and it starts with educating and developing the talent pool. Having an employment branding strategy helps target and attract the best talent. Assessing the talent pool and the current workforce ensures the right candidates are hired, and defines internal opportunities for training. Establishment of a progression system for technicians improves retention and engagement of employees. This presentation will describe key factors and tactics that together define one strategy for effective Human Capital Management.

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Back to the Future: Challenges in Developing the 21st Century Workforce

Back to the Future: Challenges in Developing the 21st Century Workforce

TRC-2018 Keynote 31:51
by Stan Shoun, Ranken Technical College

The #1 barrier to most industry growth globally is fielding a stable, trained workforce, especially in the technical areas. This presentation will highlight the challenges facing businesses and industries in recruiting, training and retaining the 21st-century workforce. Discussion will center on several areas such as demographics, preparing the emerging workforce and the effects of the dynamics of emerging technologies. It will also present some very unique educational/industry partnerships to overcome some of the challenges.

The Human Factor in Asset Management

The Human Factor in Asset Management

Many companies have started, are in the middle of, or have already finished an operational excellence exercise. Although these companies are in different industries, the strategy for optimizing their technical departments (e.g., maintenance, engineering, utilities, facilities) is about 90 percent the same. So, the approach does not change much in the different industries or in the different departments.

Argo Consulting

Argo Consulting

Argo is an operations improvement consulting firm that breaks through the traditional barriers of the consultant-client relationship. We are hands-on consultants who deliver real results and no excuses.

Habits are the Building Blocks to Sustainability

Habits are the Building Blocks to Sustainability

What habits do you have at your workplace? What work habits do your peers have?

Habits can ruin your life or make it better. You choose which habits form your lifestyle, but can corporations choose the habits that form the behavior(s) present in its workforce?

The Vanishing Workforce and How to Deal With It

The Vanishing Workforce and How to Deal With It

For over 10 years, the country has seen a shift in the workforce. Older workers, known as baby boomers, have begun to leave in droves before younger replacements are trained or, in some cases, even onboard. You keep hearing, “jobs, jobs, jobs,” but what should be heard is, skilled workers, skilled workers, skilled workers. That’s right, there is a worker shortage more than a job shortage. Why, you may ask? There are several reasons, but more importantly, very little is being done to solve the problem.

Improving Safety: 10 Tips, Tricks, Rules and Suggestions

Improving Safety: 10 Tips, Tricks, Rules and Suggestions

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers sustained a collective 2.9 million workplace injuries and illnesses in 2015, and nearly 5,000 workers were killed on the job—an average of 13 employees every day.

As employers try to curtail those shocking numbers and improve safety throughout their facility, it’s important to examine the relationship between a safer workplace and ensuring uptime, reliability and quality asset performance.

These 10 health and safety tips for safety managers easily translate to the reliability and uptime maintenance sectors, and show you how they can help your company. Asset managers, in particular, can use these tips to acquire, operate and maintain assets in a safe, efficient manner.

Engineers Need a Nap

The overwhelming majority of industrial accidents result from human error. Engineers who sleep less than eight hours per night are less productive and almost 10 percent more likely to cause an accident, and many don’t get enough sleep. The solution: take a short nap.

The Challenge: Developing a Reliability Culture

The Challenge: Developing a Reliability Culture

In some organizations, reliability is not just a word, but a culture that has been built over a period of time. Developing a reliability culture is not solely a top-down approach or dependent on the company’s vision. Sometimes, it is taken as a normal, routine job, while other times, it may get a fast-track status.

 DuPont Unveils Newest Smart Clothing Technology at Outdoor Retailer Show

DuPont Unveils Newest Smart Clothing Technology at Outdoor Retailer Show

Launch of Intexar™ Inks and Films Enable Seamless, Comfortable, High-Performing Smart Garments

 The Markle Foundation and Microsoft Partner to Accelerate a Skills-Based Labor Market

The Markle Foundation and Microsoft Partner to Accelerate a Skills-Based Labor Market

With $25.8 million grant, Microsoft Philanthropies joins forces with Markle to enable American workers to connect with businesses facing a shortage of skilled labor in an era marked by technology disruption.

Discovering Valuable Trends in Machinery Reliability

Discovering Valuable Trends in Machinery Reliability

Much can be said about trends that relate to equipment reliability in one way or another. Like everything else, they come and go randomly. Just like carbonated water, trends that are reduced to the flavor of the month can fizzle out and disappear rapidly. Trends probably always existed in all fields of endeavor and have been observed for years in the field of machinery reliability improvement. This article focuses on some recent ones that are on relatively solid ground and should be of interest to you.

 Renishaw Developing the Next Generation of Manufacturing Professionals With Greenville Tech

Renishaw Developing the Next Generation of Manufacturing Professionals With Greenville Tech

Pilot program aims to address manufacturing “skills gap” with hands on training and real-world experience working with top tier suppliers in the aerospace, power generation and automotive industries.

Training: Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Training: Where the Rubber Meets the Road

IMC-2016 Maximo Learning Zone 32:44
by Jill Owen, General Motors

Training is one of the key components of success for any company. You can have the best maintenance system in place but if your user community doesn’t understand how to use it, you are doomed to fail. Therefore, it is imperative to understand what business problem you are trying to solve, the importance of training the users to support the maintenance strategy, and how to monitor that the training was successful while focusing on developing an environment of continuous learning. At General Motors, we have faced many obstacles in developing a training strategy for Maximo that aligns with our Global Maintenance Strategy. We have developed different methods of training over time to provide our plants the best chance to be successful. This session will provide insight on how General Motors develops training, what methods we use to deliver the material, how we track progress, and encourage feedback.

Bad Salesmanship Hinders Reliability

Do not dismiss the above statement thinking it does not apply to your situation because you are not a roving consultant or contractor. In-house maintenance reliability professionals need to exhibit the same, or even better, customer service when it comes to driving change or pulling their organization toward a path of continuous improvement.

The Human Factors’ Influence on Maintenance Reliability Management

The Human Factors’ Influence on Maintenance Reliability Management

Human factors play a vital role in influencing maintenance reliability management in an organization. This article presents some specifics on the influence of culture and leadership in the process and chemical industries.

Bigfoot CMMS

Bigfoot CMMS

Bigfoot maintenance software, produced by Smartware Group, is a powerful, yet easy-to-use solution that is quick to learn to give you quick results.

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