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human capital management

Expectations, Execution and Engagement

Expectations, Execution and Engagement

Achieving reliability and operational excellence isn't about isolated actions, but fostering a culture of collaboration, clear expectations, and active shop floor involvement. Dive into the three key pillars that unlock true operational success.

Attracting, Developing and Retaining Diverse Candidates in Reliability and Maintenance Leadership

Attracting, Developing and Retaining Diverse Candidates in Reliability and Maintenance Leadership

The business case for diversity and inclusion and insight on how companies can attract, develop, and retain women and minority candidates in a field where this can be very challenging.

Understanding the Five Monkey's Experiment

Understanding the Five Monkey's Experiment

In a famous experiment a group of scientists placed 5 monkeys in a cage and in the middle, a ladder with bananas on the top.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
Beyond Performance 2.0

Beyond Performance 2.0

The pace and complexity of change is greater today than it has ever been and remains critical to manage the organizational change with the same rigor as technical change.

The Reliability and Maintenance Workforce of the Future

The Reliability and Maintenance Workforce of the Future

The ways of working for plant maintenance and reliability practitioners are beginning to change and will probably radically change over the coming years. The fundamental question is: What will it change to?

Defining Roles and Responsibilities Using RACI

Defining Roles and Responsibilities Using RACI

When an organization clearly defines roles and responsibilities, everyone gets on the same page and seeming the same vision how we work together as a team. Use the analogy that having everyone working together is like pulling an elephant. So how does one pull an elephant? By aligning everyone’s thinking so that we work together toward a common goal.

Enough is Enough: Maintenance Hiring Managers!

Enough is Enough: Maintenance Hiring Managers!

This session will outline challenges that all organizations are seeing in the market in regard to hiring, and review remedies on how a changed approach will shift results towards better hiring and retainment goals.

Can Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Help During COVID-19 and Beyond?

Can Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Help During COVID-19 and Beyond?

The current COVID-19 pandemic has added to the rise of a new kind of short-term skills gap. With remote augmented communication and virtual training, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) can help the industry better address the impending skills gap challenge.

Communicating Within Your Organization: Say It and They Will Come, Right? If Only It Was That Easy!

Communicating Within Your Organization: Say It and They Will Come, Right? If Only It Was That Easy!

A reliability leader communicates vision, concepts, ideas, project information, data, etc., throughout the organization. The problem is different groups have different points of view, different language, and different expectations. A reliability leader must tailor the message to the audience.

Building the Culture of Excellence Foundation with Core Teams

Building the Culture of Excellence Foundation with Core Teams

Culture is the most challenging obstacle in any change initiative. Given proper respect, culture can be successfully managed and overcome. Underestimate culture, and the initiative can quickly become the latest “flavor of the month."

The Human Factor in Asset Management

The Human Factor in Asset Management

It’s often said, "The ‘right’ people are the most important asset of an organization." If we want to be successful in optimizing our maintenance activities, we do not only need to use state-of-the-art maintenance and management tools, but also make use of the knowledge of our people.

 I-care Reliability and Team Up to Address Current Skills Crisis

I-care Reliability and Team Up to Address Current Skills Crisis

Houston, TX — I-care Reliability Inc., a leading provider of maintenance, reliability and asset management solutions and products, announced that they will be starting a partnership with®, the global leader in competency development for asset management, digitalization and reliability based in Ft Myers, Florida. This partnership is focused to support reliability leaders and maintenance professionals with today’s relevant skills crisis. This program is called, “Recruit and Retain.”

Another Notre Dame Incident? Exploring Awareness as a Safety Behavior to Increase Productivity

Another Notre Dame Incident? Exploring Awareness as a Safety Behavior to Increase Productivity

On April 15, 2019, the world watched as the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France, burned.

The Great Disconnect: Americans Don’t Understand Modern Manufacturing and They Should

The Great Disconnect: Americans Don’t Understand Modern Manufacturing and They Should

Many Americans believe that American manufacturing is a relic of the past,  rusting abandoned profession where weary men and women drudge through the day performing a single task for hours on end.

The Reliability Culture: Six Common Culprits

The Reliability Culture: Six Common Culprits

A reliability program is only as strong as the reliability culture. There are six common culprits that can rob a reliability program by creating a disengaged and adverse workforce. 

Reliability Leadership: How to Engage People in the Culture of Reliability

Reliability Leadership: How to Engage People in the Culture of Reliability

TRC-2018 Learning Zone 47:20
by Luis Alberto Tilleria, Schlumberger SPM Shaya

In the industry, it is intended to implement the Asset Management Strategies supported by Reliability Engineering, one of the biggest challenges in implementing complex methodologies, is the difficult task of convincing people to win adherents, obtain the support and commitment of the personnel involved in the area of production, maintenance and projects, as well as, the senior executives of the organization. It is important to demonstrate that Reliability Engineering contributes to reduce operational risk, improve decision making and increases environmental care and safety to people, as well as sustainability, productivity, and profitability of processes. It is required that not only a strategic and technical implementation plan be drawn up, but this strategic plan must also contain a marketing, training, and communications plan for the staff. This will be demonstrated with practical and complex examples of how these methodologies were helping the staff to get involved to support the implementation of the Reliability Engineering Management. Demonstrating how these complex techniques can improve the quality of life in the workforce, increase the profitability of the process and contribute to the improvement of safety in the environment, makes it possible to obtain the necessary support to achieve the success of these Asset Management programs.

Building the Workforce of the Future: Uniting Industry and Education

Building the Workforce of the Future: Uniting Industry and Education

TRC-2018 Learning Zone 40:34
by Gail Norris, Siemens

Innovative technologies are revolutionizing manufacturing. Many companies are fast-tracking these game-changing technologies and smart factories needing high-tech workers are no longer a vision – they are a reality. Industry’s reliance on advanced technologies, combined with the skills gap created by the ongoing generational change-out are driving organizations to find new and innovative learning methods to ready their employees for this transformational change. Join us to experience new learning approaches that will ensure your organization will succeed in the digital era.

Human Capital Management:  An Uptime Element, Not an HR Program

Human Capital Management:  An Uptime Element, Not an HR Program

TRC-2018 Learning Zone 29:28
by Sean Mullan, 3M

As Reliability professionals, we need to rely on our Human Resources Departments as business partners. But at the end of the day, WE are responsible for managing our Human Capital. Do you have a strategy to manage human capital in your maintenance organization? Can you clearly articulate this strategy? How has the skills gap affected your organization and what are you doing to overcome the skills gap? Are you ready for the “Silver Tsunami”, and have you established clear plans for succession? Defining a career pathway in a Reliability and Maintenance organization helps ensure the health of that organization. The pathway must be clear and it starts with educating and developing the talent pool. Having an employment branding strategy helps target and attract the best talent. Assessing the talent pool and the current workforce ensures the right candidates are hired, and defines internal opportunities for training. Establishment of a progression system for technicians improves retention and engagement of employees. This presentation will describe key factors and tactics that together define one strategy for effective Human Capital Management.

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